I'm always looking for a better mascara! I love L'oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes. I doubt I'll find anything that performs better for two ply (primer and product) mascara. I'm in love with the CoverGirl Lash Blast Length (a recommendation of my grandma because 'She saw it on ANTM') for a single ply mascara. Here's my review on ten different drugstore mascaras under ten dollars.
Wand: Fluffly like a wooly caterpillar with long bristles. Large, yet still maneuverable on the inner and outer corners of the eye.Result: This is the best mascara I've found. It lifts and separates, it gives amazing length with it's primer...but the way it washes off in the shower without leaving 'little racoon girl' eyes is the reason I keep coming back. For some reason I don't think this primer is as good as their original formulas primer I feel I can't get as much length.
#2 L'oreal Double Extend
Wand: Long bristles, not nylon. Able to really get in the corners.
Results: I love this formula. The lashes get SO long with the primer and then they pop when you apply the mascara.
Wand: I don't like this wand at all. It is huge. I can hardly get my inner lashes with it and the nylon bristles are way too short.
Result: Um, no. I can't get enough product on the brush. dip and apply, dip and apply over and over. The bristles are so small they're worthless. It's very, very hard to get off. It certainly does it's job in being waterproof. (I bought waterproof by mistake.)

Wand: Really short bristles on a long thin wand. It's those rubber/nylon bristles which I generally hate.

#1 L'oreal Double Extend - Beauty Tubes Mascara

Wand: Fluffly like a wooly caterpillar with long bristles. Large, yet still maneuverable on the inner and outer corners of the eye.
#2 L'oreal Double Extend
Wand: Long bristles, not nylon. Able to really get in the corners.
Results: I love this formula. The lashes get SO long with the primer and then they pop when you apply the mascara.
Wand: I don't like this wand at all. It is huge. I can hardly get my inner lashes with it and the nylon bristles are way too short.
Result: Um, no. I can't get enough product on the brush. dip and apply, dip and apply over and over. The bristles are so small they're worthless. It's very, very hard to get off. It certainly does it's job in being waterproof. (I bought waterproof by mistake.)
Wand: This is a large diameter wand with long bristles. The kind I like.
Result: Aaah clumpy! The mascara is hard to work with and the wand has way too much product on it when removed from the tube. Really hard to wash off in the shower with Dove soap, I was left with major raccoon eyes.
#5 CoverGirl Lash Blast Length

Wand: Really short bristles on a long thin wand. It's those rubber/nylon bristles which I generally hate.
Results: The long thin wand allows for easy access to the corners and really helps keep the lower lashes seperated and long. I was surprised how much I liked the result and how effortlessly it washes off in the shower. Definately one to remember.
#6 Loreal Double Extend Lash Boosting Serum
Wand: Could be longer and just a little more narrow.
Result: Meh. Gave me raccoon eyes after washing off. It took a while to get the clumps out, I had to work it through with the wand quite a bit. Way too expensive for what it delivers.
Result: Meh. Gave me raccoon eyes after washing off. It took a while to get the clumps out, I had to work it through with the wand quite a bit. Way too expensive for what it delivers.
#7 Maybelline Colossal

Wand: It's the typical long bristled fuzzy caterpillar brush that I like. Pulls product well from the tube and applies evenly.
Result: OMG tt smells like flowers! Every mascara should be required to smell as this mascara does. Hyacinth or lilly so sweet and fragrant. This was a referral from a gorgeous friend, Aryn, who's lashes are remarkable. I will never forget the lovely smell of this mascara. Performance is good for a one step product.
#8 Rimmel London Sexy Curves
#8 Rimmel London Sexy Curves
Wand: What the...this is the absolute worst wand I have ever used (well maybe those combs are worse.)
Result: I had to manuever the humps of the brush to be able to get product on my lashes. What a pain. I bet with a decent standard brush, there might be hope for this mascara. Messy to wash off too.
#9 Rimmel London MAX Volume Flash
Wand: standard bristle brush.
Result: This stuff was pretty clumpy on the wand. Doesn't wash off so well either, racoon eyes!
#10 Maybelline Great Lash Big
Result: Had to give a few more passes than usual and it seemed to mostly darken instead of lengthen or volumize. Probably one of the least impressive mascaras I've tried.
You have such wonderful long lashes anyway!
You and Aryn both have ridiculously long lashes! I love these reviews!
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